Archive for February, 2017

V-Moda unveils a new line of fitness oriented in-ear headphones with both wired and wireless options

V-Moda is a brand that’s admired by several of us here at AP. It has the reputation of delivering attractive headphones with excellent sound at a (somewhat) reasonable price. …Read More

Google officially ends support for Eclipse Android Developer Tools in favor of Android Studio

Long ago in days of yore, Google provided a plugin for the popular Eclipse integrated development environment, the better for aspiring mobile devs to work with their favorite IDE while making …Read More

Google appears to be testing a new, rounder search widget

Have you noticed the Google “pill” widget on the Pixel launcher doesn’t bear much resemblance to the traditional search box? Well, it looks like Google is changing that. Several …Read More

Google Fit v1.61 prepares for hydration logging, gym workouts, and more [APK Teardown]

There’s a new update to Google Fit rolling out to [aspiring to be] healthy Android users, but there aren’t any obvious signs of changes …Read More

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