Google initially spearheaded virtual reality on Android with Google Cardboard, which evolved into the more complete Daydream VR platform. Unlike Cardboard, which could start on any somewhat-recent Android …Read More
Archive for September, 2018
Android 7.1.2 appears to be rolling out now to Nexus and Pixel devices
September 9th, 2018 Marty Figgs
Android O is expected later this year, but there’s still (at least) one more update to Android 7.1. Google released the first 7.1.2 Beta back in January, followed …Read More
[Continuously updated] April Fools' Roundup: All the jokes from around the web
September 8th, 2018 Marty Figgs
April Fools Day is almost upon us, but some companies aren’t waiting to share their pranks. Google always does a great job, from the Pokemon Google Maps overlay …Read More
YouTube improves on its iOS-esque UI test with a bottom nav bar and some layout changes
September 7th, 2018 Marty Figgs
Update 1: 2017/04/01 10:37pm PDT …Read More
Maps v9.50 beta restores the feature to save and share parking locations [APK Download]
September 6th, 2018 Marty Figgs
The Maps team made quite a few people happy with the launch of a long-awaited location sharing feature that …Read More