Archive for November, 2020

Netflix's Android beta program on Google Play is open to the public again

Early last year, Netflix prematurely flipped the switch on a beta channel release for its Android app. Within hours, the company pulled the plug on signups for …Read More

Report: Broadcom may be looking to acquire Qualcomm

Qualcomm’s been in the news quite a lot this year, for a lot of different reasons. Now, according to Bloomberg, it might be …Read More

Amazon Alexa now supports routines, smart home groups, and more

You might remember Google announced a lot of Assistant things at its big event last month. One of those things was routines for linking multiple Assistant devices together …Read More

Nitrome's Turn Undead: Monster Hunter is a fantastic turn-based puzzle platformer

Nitrome has published some fantastic pixel-based games in the past with their releases of Gunbrick, Rust Bucket, Redungeon, and 8bit Doves. That’s why it …Read More

Google Opinion Rewards is now available in Belgium and New Zealand

Usually, when massive companies tell you “your opinion matters,” it is a transparent way to placate people who complain. With Google Opinion Rewards, your opinion gets you pocket change, …Read More

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