Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Video: The Galaxy Note8's OIS destroys the competition when it comes to vibrations

The Galaxy Note8 is undeniably one of the best smartphones on the market right now (though very expensive). It has Samsung’s fantastic ‘Infinity’ AMOLED display, great battery life, …Read More

Tidal offering 12-day free trial starting on December 25th

Jay-Z’s high-fidelity music streaming service Tidal is offering a 12-day free trial starting on December 25th. In comparison to normal trials—in which the start and end dates …Read More

Some apps like Words With Friends 2 can break the Pixel 2's 'Now Playing' music recognition

The Pixel 2 has been in and out of the news here for issues both major and minor, and today we have a somewhat humorous one. Apparently, …Read More

Meet the new guy: Jason Hahn

Season’s greetings. I’ve been hanging around for the past two months, so it seems time for a proper introduction: My name is Jason, obviously. I currently work in …Read More

Android 8.0 Oreo rolling out to Moto X4 Android One edition

The Moto X4 was released a few months ago, and there are two different versions of the phone (at least in the United States). The first is an Android …Read More

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