2015 and 2017 SHIELD TVs get Experience Upgrade 5.1: Rumble support, new games, and Amazon video enhancements

NVIDIA isn’t letting down its guard. One month after the company brought Nougat and plenty of new features in an OTA update to its just-released SHIELD TV and a couple of weeks after it did the same for the original 2015 SHIELD TV, it’s back with more updates and enhancements for these two Android TV set-top boxes.

Both the old 2015 and new 2017 SHIELD TVs are getting updated from Experience Upgrade 5.0.2 to 5.1.

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2015 and 2017 SHIELD TVs get Experience Upgrade 5.1: Rumble support, new games, and Amazon video enhancements was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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