Android 7.1 feature spotlight: System UI Tuner's Overview swipe-up split-screen gesture has disappeared


Split-screen multitasking on Nougat is great – I use it quite a lot when taking notes on my Nexus 6P in lectures or other talks that I may want to revisit later. However, one of the original multi-window features introduced back in the first N developer preview has disappeared in the 7.1 Beta; the swipe up split-screen gesture, found in System UI Tuner.

As most probably know by now, System UI Tuner is where you can go to perform risky, experimental changes to your device – turn on the fine-grained notification controls, for example, or turn of certain notification bar items.

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Android 7.1 feature spotlight: System UI Tuner’s Overview swipe-up split-screen gesture has disappeared was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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