Google's rebuilding its Street View panoramas to look better, and here's how

Google’s Street View has become ubiquitous. It’s one of the pioneering features of Google Maps, and it has become such an integrated part of our modern lives that we might take it for granted. Not long ago, looking around from an arbitrary point on a map would have sounded like science fiction, but today that’s just another way to see where something is. Now Google’s making that experience even better, by improving how Street View stitches together its elaborate 360-degree panorama images. 

If you’re interested in the long version, you can read Google’s full post on the subject over at the Research Blog, and for a short overview and visual companion on our exploration, check out Google’s four-minute video on the subject just below.

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Google’s rebuilding its Street View panoramas to look better, and here’s how was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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