Qualcomm Snapdragon 835: The first benchmark results – comparisons to Pixel, OnePlus 3T, Galaxy S7, and more


Last week, I had the privilege of visiting Qualcomm’s San Diego campus to check out the new Snapdragon 835 chip and run some benchmarks using Qualcomm’s reference platform for the SoC. You’ll never guess what happened next (you will: benchmarks).

Full disclosure: Qualcomm paid for me to ride the train to San Diego, which was very pretty, put me up in a great hotel next to Qualcomm HQ for two nights, and took me out to a very nice dinner…

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Qualcomm Snapdragon 835: The first benchmark results – comparisons to Pixel, OnePlus 3T, Galaxy S7, and more was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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